
Keyboard: WASD or Arrow Keys, Space for action

Controller: Analog Stick or DPad, Bottom Face Button for action (A on an Xbox controller)

Mouse can also be used for dialog or book swapping.

This game is fully playable with just keyboard or controllers (or should be, if I didn't forget something).


A game made in a week for Brackeys Jam 2024.2! And also my first in Godot.

It might've been better if I focused on one game concept, but when I heard the theme a story came to mind instead of a singular game idea. That being said this was a great way to dip my toes into a lot of different aspects of Godot.

Basically, it's a short story about a rookie race car driver trying to distract themselves from their anxiety before their first public performance. Each thing you try to distract yourself with comes with a sort of minigame, with minor changes in dialog depending on the order. Eventually you come to the main event, which is a three-lap course.

It was a lot of fun to do this, and really helped me see godot as an engine I'd want to use in the future. All "art", code and even music(sorry in advance) was done by me, with sounds taken from a pack I purchased long ago from a humblebundle (the RPG Game Dev Bundle from 2018 if you're wondering).

I think I ironed out just about all the unfun bugs (or put in catches for them), so have fun! Just beware the momentary example text in a certain place if you hit replay.


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Nice game! I do think you would've benefitted more from focusing on the racing, rather than the other mini games, but I liked the idea of doing tasks to calm yourself before the race. It added more emotion to the character.

Although the driving physics and mechanics weren't super polished, I actually liked how it felt bouncing off the edges of the berm, and slipping a little while cornering. I found myself replaying the race a couple of times to see how fast I could go (61.45).